Estimate your monthly cost

Pricing simulator

Dynamic Ad Insertion
Virtual Channel
Content Replacement

PAYG Pricing details

Service usage

Prices are global (no dependency to the region)

One Service per packaging format (e.g. DASH, HLS) or DRM combination

Partial hour usage is rounded up

  • Content Replacement specific
    • The number of service hours is aggregated regardless of number of substitutions or events, and regardless of the number of categories (e.g. zip, DMA, …)
  • Virtual Channel specific
    • A service is charged as personalized for the month as soon as at least one slot is using at least one category (non-personalized = default = no category).
  • Dynamic Ad Insertion specific
    • CPM stands for 1000 ad insertions.
    • In the PAYG plan, CPM is charged per insertion (at manifest level).
    • Tracking can be done server side (SSAT) or client side (CSAT).
    • There is no additional charge for using the Smartlib SDK (IAB OM certified) in CSAT mode.
    • Ad creative transcoding: Up to 1 ad per CPM is included (free allowance). Above 1 ad per CPM: $0.30/ad.
    • Gap filler (live only): Asset (DASH or HLS) prepared by customer and free of charge
    • Slate (jpeg or mp4) ingested on the platform: 100 $ / Service / month


Egress data

Monthly aggregated volume of egress data in GB

Includes manifests, transcoded ads or slates when used, client-side ad tracking data

Your DASH and HLS video segments for your content do not go through when you configure correctly a CDN.

​​Ingress Data

Free of charge ($0)

Minimum fee

Minimum of $200/month (no carry-over in case of unused usage at the end of the month)

Pricing FAQ

Content Replacement

How do you define a Content Replacement Service Hour?

A Content Replacement Service Hour is what you will be charged for if you create a Content Replacement service and let it run continuously for one hour. For example, if you let a linear service run on a permanent basis during one month, the average charge will be for 732 hours. The price is fixed regardless of the number of events.

What is a Content Replacement event?

A blackout event can be a blackout slot creation, update or deletion. It can also be an audience or policy creation, update or deletion.

Can you give us examples of pricing?

Of course! The following example is showing how to calculate the monthly fee you will be charged:

Content Replacement scenario example
3 channels with 2 packaging formats (HLS & DASH)
100.000 DAEU (Daily Active End Users) watching 1 hour of streaming content per day
Watch time ratio of 5% (your Content Replacement vs any other content on your platform)
All video segments are originated from your origin and delivered by your CDN
Service Usage monthly fee
3 channels x 2 packaging formats (HLS & DASH) = 6 Content Replacement Services
6 Services x 24 hours/day x 30.5 days/month = 4392 hours/month
4392 hours/month * 0,50 $/hour = 2196 $/month
Egress Usage monthly fee
Average manifest size: 8 KB (assumption)
Manifest polling & delivery frequency: every 6 s = 600/hour
Average manifest compression ratio: 3 (see link)
100.000 DAEU x 1 hour x 5% x 30.5 days/month x 600 manifests/hour x 8 KB/manifest /3 compression ratio = 233 GB/month
233 GB x 0,15 $/GB = 35 $/month
Total fee (Service + Egress) = 2231 $/month
Unit fee (Service + Egress): 372 $/month/Service

Virtual Channel

Can you give us examples of pricing?

Of course! The following two examples are showing how to calculate the monthly fee you will be charged for using the platform for typical virtual channel use cases.

Example 1 scenario (no personalization)
1 Virtual Channel with 1 packaging format (HLS), no personalization
100.000 DAEU (Daily Active End Users) watching 1 hour of streaming content per day
Watch time ratio of 5% (your Virtual Channel vs any other content on your platform)
All video segments are originated from your origin and delivered by your CDN
Service Usage monthly fee
1 Virtual Channel x 1 packaging format (HLS) = 1 Service
24 hours/day x 30.5 days/month = 732 hours/month
732 hours/month x 0,25 $/month ~ 183 $/month
Egress Usage monthly fee
Average manifest size : 8 KB (assumption)
Manifest polling & delivery frequency: every 6 s = 600/hour
Average manifest compression ratio : 3 (see link)
100.000 DAEU x 1 hour x 5% x 30.5 days/month x 600 manifests/hour x 8 KB/manifest /3 compression = 233 GB/month
233 GB x 0,15 $/GB = 35 $/month
Total fee (Service + Egress) = 218 $/month


Example 2 scenario (with personalization)
3 personalized Virtual Channels with 2 packaging formats (HLS & DASH)
100.000 DAEU (Daily Active End Users) watching 1 hour of streaming content per day
Watch time ratio of 5% (your Virtual Channel vs any other content on your platform)
All video segments are originated from your origin and delivered by your CDN
Service Usage monthly fee
3 Virtual Channels x 2 packaging formats (HLS & DASH) = 6 Services
6 Services x 24 hours/day x 30.5 days/month = 4392 hours/month
4392 hours/month * 0,50 $/hour = 2196 $/month
Egress Usage monthly fee
Average manifest size: 8 KB (assumption)
Manifest polling & delivery frequency: every 6 s = 600/hour
Average manifest compression ratio: 3 (see link)
100.000 DAEU x 1 hour x 5% x 30.5 days/month x 600 manifests/hour x 8 KB/manifest /3 compression = 233 GB/month
233 GB x 0,15 $/GB = 35 $/month
Total fee (Service + Egress) = 2231 $/month
Unit fee (Service + Egress): 372 $/month/Service

Dynamic Ad Insertion

Can you give us examples of pricing?

Certainly. Here is an example of SSAI pricing for a live channel.

DAI example scenario
1 live channel with 2 packaging formats (HLS & DASH)
10 min of ads per hour, 15 s per ad, 80% fill rate
Gap filler prepared by customer and available on customer origin
Programmatic ad transcoding: less than 4000 new ad creatives per month
100.000 DAEU (Daily Active End Users) watching 1 hour of streaming content per day
Watch time ratio of 5% (your DAI vs any other content on your platform)
All video segments are originated from your origin and delivered by your CDN
Ad Insertion monthly fee
100.000 DAEU x 1 hour x 5% x 30.5 days/month = 152500 hours
152.500 x (10 min x 60 s / 15 s) x 80% / 1000 = 4880 CPM
4880 x 0,49 = 2391 $/month
Egress Usage monthly fee
Average manifest size: 8 KB (assumption)
Manifest polling & delivery frequency: every 6 s = 600/hour
Average manifest compression ratio: 3 (see link)
100.000 DAEU x 1 hour x 5% x 30.5 days/month x 600 manifests/hour x 8 KB/manifest /3 compression = 233 GB/month
233 GB x 0,15 $/GB = 35 $/month
Total fee (Ad Insertion + Egress) = 2426 $/month


How can I see my consumption?

As part of the transparency philosophy of the platform, you can access your consumption at all times. There are two ways to retrieve the metrics: through the webapp or through the API.
The key metrics currently being displayed are:
– Inserted ads
– Egress (GB)
– Content Replacement (hours)
– Virtual Channel (hours)

What is egress data?

• Egress data is the output of data from the platform related to your end users’ activity. We charge for originated manifest, some video segments (transcoded ads or slates) and client-side ad tracking data. In any case, you content video segment, do not go through
• In the case of Content Replacement, only the data for DASH and HLS manifests will be charged if you provide both original content and replacement content.
• supports manifest compression (see link)
• In some cases, manifests can be cached

What is the benefit of choosing an Enterprise plan over the Pay-as-you-Go plan?

Enterprise offers volume discounts based upon committed spending or contract terms. Once you have a better idea of your monthly or yearly traffic consumption you might benefit from additional cost savings by switching to an Enterprise plan.

Can I change my plan?

You can request to change your plan at any point in time (for instance Free Trial to Pay-as-you-go). You simply need to click on the Upgrade button and fill out the form.

Where can I find the exact limitations of the 30-days free trial?

The exact limitations of the 30-days free trial can be found in our Knowledge Center. You can also contact us by chat for more information.

More information about pricing

We’re more than happy to help you and answer your questions.